Mission News

Mission News

Christmas Joy Offering

Along with the Presbyterian Church USA, we continue the  Christmas Joy Offering tradition.  Your gifts support work in 26 countries, including: Retired church workers and their families who need extra financial support;  and Presbyterian schools and colleges, with a focus on communities of color. You can read more about the offering at: https://specialofferings.pcusa.org/offering/christmas-joy/. To donate, use one of the special envelopes next to the offering plate and write “Christmas Joy offering” on the memo line of your check, or choose…

Those Mysterious Gifts of the Spirit

As Pastor Evie’s sermon this week reminded us, God is the giver of Spiritual gifts. It seems that often we see the Spiritual Gifts as something that other people have or do–we aren’t sure what our spiritual gift is–or if we even have one! Spiritual gifts are a mystery we view with intimidation or even guilt. But let us review what Paul says of Spiritual gifts: “There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are differences of ministries,…

Peace and Global Witness Special Offering

The PCUSA, our parent organization, provides this special giving opportunity to build compassion, peace and justice in the world. Gifts may be given from September 5 through October 3, 2021  to promote the Peace of Christ by addressing systems of conflict and injustice across the world. A gift to the Peace & Global Witness Offering promotes the Peace of Christ by addressing systems of conflict and injustice across the world. Our congregation will use 25% of the donations we collect…