Donations Needed for Service Sunday

Donations Needed for Service Sunday

Donations are greatly welcome for the Health Kits and Lunches we are preparing on Service Sunday, September 10, 2017. Items may be dropped off in the Narthex on any Sunday. For some of the toiletry items for the health kits, the small containers offered at hotels are perfect.

Health kit items needed:

  1. Shampoo, conditioner
  2. Toothbrush
  3. Toothpaste
  4. Dental floss
  5. Soap
  6. Lotion
  7. Combs
  8. Towel
  9. Deodorant
  10. Mouth wash
  11. Hand sanitizer
  12. Kleenex personal packs
  13. Washcloths
  14. Laundry soap, individual packets
  15. Underwear (men boxers preferred)
  16. Undershirts (men’s)
  17. Socks

Lunch Donations needed:

  1. Protein packages: tuna, chicken, etc (some include crackers)
  2. Vienna sausages
  3. Applesauce or fruit cups
  4. Cereal bars, power bars, cheese or peanut butter packages (Please no sticky or crunchy items as clients have dental issues.)
  5. Raisins
  6. Large bags of chips/crackers to be repackaged in sandwich bags
  7. Boxed drinks
  8. Cases of bottled water
  9. Plastic spoons and napkins
  10. Boxes of plastic zip lock sandwich bags
  11. Extra large lunch bags: size 8

Suggested stores: Costco, Smart & Final, Grocery Outlet, Dollar Store.